Cage of Freedom
“It is great to never be hungry or thirsty! The bliss of not being a slave to need! I used to miss the taste of food sometimes, but this intravenous therapy liberated me from those wants. This syringe gives me everything! The longer I go not needing food or drink, the less I remember what it is like to have ever wanted them. Which does me infinite good living inside this cage. I am free,” the prisoner screams! Halting his crazed monologue, the prisoner spasms his head around, looking at the metal bars surrounding him and the darkness beyond them. This was his fate. To sit alone in this cage for the rest of his life. “You think freedom is for everybody? Your punishment serves you right,” a guard he couldn’t see said. The prisoner got up and grabbed the bars of his cage, peering out to find the voice. “I am freer than I’ve ever been,” the prisoner yelled back! “FREEEEE… HA HAHAHA HA! Free enough to tear you to pieces!” The hidden guard said nothing, but the excited prisoner still he...